Handicrafts Exhibition

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Handicrafts Exhibition

Satoh Toshio artist

PLO Office, Japan publisher

Object Type



Commercial/offset printing on paper




515 x 363 mm (sheet)


Gift of Dan Walsh

Accession Number


  • crafts (art genres) - Refers to handmade articles, the creation of which required skill, dexterity, and at least a certain amount of aesthetic sensibility. Media may include textiles, ceramics, paperwork, needlework, woodworking, and others. Although there is overlap, crafts are often distinguished from "fine arts," in that the fine arts are of the media of painting, sculpture, drawing, and architecture, which were traditionally considered by many to require greater aesthetic sensibility, education, and training, even though this view may in fact be biased. Historically in Western art, the fine arts required extensive formal training and were taught primarily to males, whereas crafts were often taught at home or in an informal setting, and to females as well as to males.
  • exhibitions (events) - Organized displays, especially of works of art or objects of human making.
  • Japanese
  • Palestinian - Refers to the culture of the area between the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian desert known as Palestine, roughly corresponding to modern Israel and Jordan, over the span of time from the earliest time of settlement to modern times.
  • posters - Notices intended to be posted to advertise, promote, or publicize an activity, cause, product, or service; also, decorative, mass-produced prints intended for hanging. For small printed notices or advertisements intended for distribution by hand, use "handbills."


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