The Painter Heinrich Hoerle, Painting the Boxing Champion Hein Domgörgen

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The Painter Heinrich Hoerle, Painting the Boxing Champion Hein Domgörgen

August Sander
(1876 - 1964)

Object Type



Gelatin silver print


1929 (Date photo taken)


285.75 x 209.55 mm


Gift of Jeffrey Perry, 2011

Accession Number


  • artists - Refers specifically to people who produce work in the visual arts. For those in the performing arts, see "performing artists."
  • athletes - People trained or gifted in activities or contests involving physical skill, agility, stamina, or strength.
  • easels - Stands or frames for supporting or displaying at an angle an artist's canvas, a blackboard, china plate, or other object.
  • German - Refers to the culture of the modern nation of Germany, or in general to the cultures that have occupied the area of the modern nation in central Europe. More broadly, it can refer to the cultures of the ancient groups of related peoples who inhabited central and northern Europe, and who spoke dialects from which the Germanic or Teutonic languages developed.
  • portraits - Representations of real individuals that are intended to capture a known or supposed likeness. For representations of fictional or mythological characters, see "figures (representations)."


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